NASM is the best assembler in my opinion. I don' like AT&T syntax( I think AT&T syntax wasn't designed for human! It has an incomprehensible memory addressing syntax and lots of unreasonable operation order! ), so I use NASM. For all the Intel-synatx assembly language like MASM, FASM, TASM, etc, I think NASM is the best. Not only cross-platform, but also easy to use. It has beautiful synatx and easy to understand. I use NASM to write my assembly code.
C/C++ is the fist programming language I learned and used. Mainly I use C++ because it has a more powerful standard library, useful STL, more interesting features and more third-party libraries. When it comes to libraries, I use boost, Qt, libcurl, etc. Welcome to recommed me some useful libraries through email or social media! I like the design philosophy of C++: "You don't pay for what you don't use".
I'm not kind of a Java fan, but I have to admit that Java is a good programming language. After all "Write once, run everythere" isn' a lie. I use Java to develop some cross-platform projects, Java Web projects and Minecraft Mods. I use OpenJDK and IntelliJ IDEA to develop Java projects.( Actually I should put an OpenJDK logo here, but I damn like the coffee cup logo of Java! )
C# is kind of similair to Java, I think Java works for all the environments samely, but C# works best for Windows. Thanks to Microsoft's native support, C# is definitely the best programming language on Windows. There're so many useful frameworks like MFC! As for me, I use C# to develop Unity project.
As the most popular script language, Python is really powerfull! Thanks to its large amount of third-party libraries, Python can do almost everything! I use Python to analyze data, stecate data, make web crawlers and so on. I don' like the syntax of Python, I think it doesn't seem to be a professional programming languang, but I have to admit that it is powerfull.
As a script language, I was shocked to see its speed. So fast on V8 engine! For some times it' even faster than C++! JavaScript is the best language for web pages, I use it to make web pages interactive and interesting. Besides, thanks to Node.js and Electron, JavaScript can do more than web pages. I use JavaScript to make web applications, desktop applications, etc.
TypeScript is the best language for large projects. As a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript offers powerful and useful features like type checking, class, interface, etc. This website is based on TypeScript and Next.js. I think TypeScript makes up JavaScript's shortcomings like imperfect OOP support, weak type checking, etc.
React.js is the best framework in my opinion. Writing React.js code is like writing native JavaScript code. I don't think it's hard to learn it, as long as you have a basic understanding of JavaScript, React.js will be your favourite framework. For other frameworks like Vue.js, they provide a lots of strange synatx like v-if, v-for, etc. It' kind of like a new language instead of a JavaScript framework. I don't like them.
Tailwind CSS really makes my life a lot of better. By writing HTML class as CSS code, It boosts my work. It packages some of the useful CSS code into classes, so I don't have to write CSS code anymore. I don't like CSS, I think it's hard to write and hard to remember. This page's styling is based on Tailwind CSS.
As a React framework, I like Next.js's router! Insteading of configuring router in a separate file, Next.js uses file system to configure router. I think it's a good idea, because it's not only fit for human intuition, but also the best way to organize project. I also love Next.js's static page generation, server-side redering, and some unbelievable optimization, etc. This website is based on Next.js.
I didn't list all the TechPoints I learned, some of them are not useful or I don' like them. For example: Rust
Welcome to advise me through email or social media.
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